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Welcome to IceAllocator. Please select the appropriate entry from the 'Organization' dropdown list to start using the application. Click the 'Help' link at the bottom of the page for additional information.
Select an organization
Aldergrove MHA
Cloverdale MHA
HockeyVille MHA
Welcome to IceAllocator
The IceAllocator website is available at www.IceAllocator.com. The 'Default' page is the landing page for the IceAllocator website. From the 'Default' page select an organization to start your session. For more information, or to register your organization to use IceAllocator, please send your inquiry to Support@IceAllocator.com
By selecting an organization, the 'Schedule' and 'Tournament' icons are added to the icon bar. Hover your mouse over icons to display submenu items that provide access to features in that category. For example, anonymous users are able to register for a tournament by hovering the 'Tournament' (trophy) icon then selecting the 'Registration' submenu item.
A number of links are available at the bottom of the page. Select an organization then press a link:
➤ Questions - lists and answers a set of frequently asked questions
➤ HelpMenu - lists and describes the menu bar icons
➤ Create - starts the wizard to create an account
➤ ContactUs - displays contact information
➤ Account - to retrieve your Account ID
➤ Password - to retrieve your account password
➤ Help - display this help popup.